Phonics Screening

What is the Phonics Screening Check? 

The Phonics Screening Check is a statutory, government test. During the check, children will be asked to read 40 words. Most words are real, but some will be nonsense words (alien words). Nonsense words ensure children are using their decoding skills and not just relying on their memory of words read before.

When does the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check occur?

The Year 1 Phonics Screening Check occurs in June during the summer term. Children will undertake the Phonics Screening Check in a one-to-one setting with their teacher. It usually takes less that 10 minutes. 

What can I do at home to help my child prepare?

Listen to your child read everyday, reading a story before bedtime is a lovely way to include reading into your daily routine. Practise reading alien words at home. These will be sent home weekly. As part of your child's homework, watch the phonics videos which are posted on Class Dojo. 

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