High quality teaching, which is adapted to meet the needs of the majority of pupils, is the first response to supporting pupils with SEND. Some pupils will need something additional to and different from that which is ordinarily available for the majority of pupils, this is special educational provision and the pupils in receipt of this provision are classified as SEN Support.
Abbey Hey Primary will ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has SEND. We will ensure that all staff are able to identify and provide for these pupils to enable them to partake in all activities in the school in order to reach their full potential, be included in all aspects of school life and feel a sense of belonging to the wider school community
The school's Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Short. You can contact her by telephone on 0161 223 1592, sending her a message on class dojo or by making an appointment at the school office.
Mrs Short
Safeguarding Lead
Miss Conlen
SEN Support
Miss Carroll
Speech and Lanuage Support
Please use the link below to download our Special Educational Needs Policies. To request paper copies, please speak to the office.
Click here to view our Assessibility Policy.
Useful links
Manchester City Council's Local Offer - https://hsm.manchester.gov.uk/kb5/manchester/directory/localoffer.page?localofferchannel
Manchester EHCP team - https://hsm.manchester.gov.uk/kb5/manchester/directory/advice.page?id=X5Eyziao894