Conscious Discipline


An introduction to Conscious Discipline

Here at Abbey Hey, we are committed to creating a supportive and nurturing environment where every child feels valued, respected and empowered to reach their full potential.

In order to achieve this, we use conscious discipline as part of our behaviour policy. Conscious Discipline is an evidence-based, trauma-informed social-emotional programme.

It teaches children how to regulate and manage emotions in order to make safe and healthy choices.

Conscious Discipline encompasses four components, which are scientifically and practically designed for success:


The Brain State Model      

In the world of Conscious Discipline, we focus on three primary brain states: the Survival State, the Emotional State, and the Executive State. Each of these states plays a vital role in how we perceive, process, and respond to the world around us.   

Find out more about the brain states here:

Seven Powers and Seven Skills

Conscious Discipline empowers adults with the Seven Powers of Self Control. These powers allow adults to stay in control of themselves. Self-control allows adults to be proactive instead of reactive in conflict moments and embrace conflict as a teaching opportunity rather than a disruption to learning.

From The Seven Powers for Self-Control emerge the Seven Basic Skills of Discipline. These are the only skills that adults need to constructively respond to any conflict in the classroom.

These skills promote a peaceful inner state in children. From this state, children are free to learn, cooperate and help each other to be successful. (Conscious Discipline, 2000, Dr Becky Bailey). The table below shows the link between these powers and skills:


Safe Spaces

In the Safe Place Self-Regulation Center, children use research-based, developmentally appropriate tools and strategies to change their inner state from upset to composed.

Only in this composed state can children access the higher brain functions needed to problem-solve and learn.

The School Family

The School Family is created through routines, rituals and structures. It builds connections between adults and children to ensure the optimal development of all.

   Morning meetings   

Safe Spaces


Click here to view the Parents Leaflet


Click on the Conscious Discipline icon to find out more on the Conscious Discipline website



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