For the 2023-24 academic year, 78% of Abbey Hey Children met GLD ('Good Level of Development'). This is well above the 2023 national average of 67%.
For the 2023-24 academic year, 83% of year 1 children passed the phonics screening test. This is well above the 2023 national average 79%.
YEAR 4 Multiplication Test
Score |
20+ |
24+ |
25 |
Abbey Hey |
National |
29% (2023) |
Difference |
Expected+ |
Greater Depth |
Abbey Hey |
National |
Difference |
Abbey Hey |
National |
Difference |
Reading |
78% |
74% |
+4% |
46% |
28% |
+18% |
Writing |
73% |
72% |
+1% |
3% |
12% |
-9% |
Maths |
80% |
73% |
+7% |
40% |
23% |
+17% |
75% |
72% |
+3% |
40% |
3% |
+37% |
Science |
84% |
81% |
+3% |
RWM Combined |
71% |
61% |
+10% |
2% |
7% |
-5% |
For more information on our school results and how these compare to national averages, please see our school performance table created by the Department for Education.
2022-2023 KS1 Results
2022-2023 KS2 Results
2020-2021 KS1 Results
2020-2021 KS2 Results
2019-2020 KS2 Results
2018-2019 Results
2017-2018 Results